Friday, October 24, 2008

week 9 comments

I commented here:
and here:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

week 9 readings

All of the readings had mostly the same things to say about XML. Seeing as i knew nothing about XMl these readings were informative.
An Introduction to the Extensible Mark up Language
XMl is a subset of the SGML defined in ISO standard 8879:1986 that is designed to make it easy to interchange structured documents over the internet. XML can check that each component of a document occurs in a valid place within the interchanged data stream. XML does not require the presence of a DTD. The article goes on to list was XML is and is not. XML is based on the components of documents composed as a series of entities. XMl clearly sets out to identify the boundaries of every part of the document. Systems that understand XMl can provide users with lists of elements that are valid at each point in the document, and will automatically add the required delimiters to the name to produce a mark up tag. The article goes on to say how to define set tags, defining attributes, and incorporating standard and non standard text elements. With XML you can also have illustrations and tables. The article had a lot to say and went into detail I understood some of it, but having no experience with XML left me a bit confused.

A Survey of XML standards part1
The article is said to provide a summary of the most important XML technologies and and discuss how they fit into the greater scope of things in the XML world. First he mentions XML catalogs which define a format for instructions on an XML processor resolves XML entity identifiers into actual documents. Next is XML namescapes which provide mechanisms for universal naming of elements and attributes in XML documents. Third is XML base that provides a means of associating XML elements with urls in order to more precisely specify how relative urls are resolved in relevant XML processing actions. Xinclude is said to provide a system for merging XML documents and is in development. XML Information set defines an abstract way to describe XML document as a series of objects called information sets. Canonical XML is a standard method for generating a physical representation of an XML document. The article mentions a few more such as XML path language, X pointer, X link, and RELAX NG. This article was informative as I did not know that these things existed before I read this article.

Extending Your Markup
According to the article a well formated XML document starts with a prolog and contains exactly one element. DTd are used to define the structure of XML documents. The article gets into a lot of the technical details of each thing such as what they would look like in XML. Elements can be either nonterminal or terminal. Elements can also have zero or more attributes. Attributes can have different data types. Extensions to XML can include namespaces as well as more powerful adressing and linking capabilities. Namespaces are used to avoid name clashes. XML has three supporting languages that were mentioned in the article before. 1. X link 2. X pointer 3. X path The authors mentions XSL The extensible stylesheet language.

XML Schema Tutorial
XML Schema is an XML-based alternative to DTDs. The schema descirbes the sturcture of the XMl document. The article mentions that An XML Schema:

defines elements that can appear in a document
defines attributes that can appear in a document
defines which elements are child elements
defines the order of child elements
defines the number of child elements
defines whether an element is empty or can include text
defines data types for elements and attributes
defines default and fixed values for elements and attribute

XML schema supports data types and uses XML syntax. It also secures data communication. They give lots of examples and the site easy to navigate because you can go back and forth easily and easily click on the section you want to read.
The article also mentions that XML Schema has a lot of built-in data types. The most common types are:


The article goes into detail on simple and complex data types. It provides a lot of info for people who need to learn about XML schema's.

muddiest point

my muddiest point is the HTML. It seems pretty straightforward and I hope it is. I am just worried that once I start the final assignment things won't go so smoothly.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


here is the link to my shelf.

Friday, October 10, 2008

week 8 comments

Here are my comments

muddiest point

I am unsure as to whether we have to be here for fast track weekend or not. It has been mentioned in my other classes that I have to be there, but this is the first i heard mention of it in this class.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

week 8 readings

W3 Schools HTML Tutorial
This site was very informational to me a Iknew nothing about HTML before reading it. HTMl stands for hyper text markup language. A HTML file is then a text file containing small mark up tags. These mark up tags tell the web browser how to display the page. HTML tags come in pairs and are not case sensitive. The aritcle showed me a lot of htl tags such as how to make text bold or italic and how designate certain things as headings. For example

is how one would make a paragraph in HTML.

HTML cheat sheat (web monkey)
This website provided mainly the same over view as the first site did. It went into a lot of detail on how to do different body attribute such as set the backgriund and text color. For example would create bold text and would create italic text.

W3 School Cascading Style Sheet Tutorial
I had not heard of CSS before reading this article so this was all new to me. Styles define how to display HTML elements. Styles are normally stored in style sheets. Styles solve a problem. "As the two major browsers - Netscape and Internet Explorer - continued to add new HTML tags and attributes (like the tag and the color attribute) to the original HTML specification, it became more and more difficult to create Web sites where the content of HTML documents was clearly separated from the document's presentation layout.
To solve this problem, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - the non profit, standard setting consortium, responsible for standardizing HTML - created STYLES in addition to HTML 4.0" (W3 Schools CSS Tutorial). CSS sybtax is made of of 3 parts: selector, property, and vlaue. Selector is normally the HTML element/tag that one wishes to describe. The prpoerty is the attribute you wish to change and each property can take a value. The propet and value are seperatd by a colon and surrounded by curly brackets. You can group selectors. With the class selector you can define different styles for the same type of HTML element. You can also define styles for HTML elements with the id selector.

Beyond HTML
This was a rather long article about the Georgia State University Library. The purppse of the article was to" report on the content management system desing to manage the 30 web-based research guides developed by the subject liasion libraries at the Georgia State University Library" (Goans, Leach, Vogel 29). The article starts out by saying how things used to be. "In 2000 the GSU Library had a FrontPage based web site with minimal login security, site architecture, planning, and administrative and editorial processes in place. A single librarian served in the role of network coordinator, server, administrator, and web site manager" (Goans, Leach, Vogel). This library does not seem to have a very organzied system seeing as each librarians has a different number of guides some having a few some having a lot and they are all in different styles. In 2000 the libraries first web development librarian was hired to improve the library system. "Implementing web site secuirty for Frontpage authors and exploring web site infastrucutre develpoment were amont the first step he undeetook to improve the libraries web presence. He also built MySQL applications to manage the list of databases and electronic journals as well as several major photograph collections for the special collections department" (Goans, Lech, and Vogel 30). The article then goes no to describe content management system and goes on to describe in detail the GSU Library CMS technology. Later at GSU they did a survey of the CSM. The variety of responses told them that csm was still an emerging technology that not everyone used.

Friday, October 3, 2008

jing part 2

here are my flickr url's 

jing project

here is my url.

my flickr images will come in a later blog.

week 7 comments

I commented here: on this blog, but need to wait till she approves the comment.

I also commented here: