Saturday, August 30, 2008

week 2 readings

The Lynch article had some interesting points. definitely agree with him that we need to go out into the world prepared to handle the different kinds of technology. I also agree with that main point that he makes when he says that teaching information technology should be part of the curriculum. I feel elementary and middle schools should have computer classes that teach the kids the basics of how to use them. The article mentioned how important it was for people to need to have a good information literacy and now how to work the newest technology. While I do agree with that I also can't help, but think of older people 60+ who have lived most of their lives without the aide of technology and have no need for it now at and old age. That could the one exception where information literary and an understanding of technology is not needed.

The Lied Library was the one I enjoyed the most. I work at an academic library myself, but only as a student worker. Working in an academic setting I thought I knew how much I took to make a library function well. This article opened my eyes though to all the behind the scenes work I do not see going on such as up keep of the computers and updating them when needed. I also did not know how expensive it was to run a library that was as technologically advanced as that. When they said that for hardware and operating system support only the cost run into the tens of thousands I was shocked. This article made me appreciate the school libraries more know that I know how much they really do.

OCLC article touched on a very important part of the libraries today and that is digitization. What happems when people can get everything they need online and have no need for "containers" i.e. books, cds, journals. Will there still be a need for libraries. One interesting setence that I noted in this reading is that "Libraries need to find ways to deliver quality content to mobile devices. While I do think this is a very good idea I can't help, but imaghine how long it would take to get this to happen and at what price would it come to the libraires to maintain this type of system as well. In this ever changing digital world libraries need to find a way to keep up with it all.

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